Plant Selections

Plant Selections
What Hydrangea Where?
You've most certainly seen a hydrangea or two in about every garden you encounter. But do you know which one to use in your garden? There are a lot of hydrangeas out there. A lot!

Plant Selections
Early Spring Planting Ideas
Well it’s just around the corner and if you have a green thumb you are probably itching to get out there! Here in the Midwest the weather can change every 15 minutes! So, if you think...

Plant Selections
Low maintenance alternative to lawns
We often think of a yard as a massive expanse of turf grass. Which, when well maintained, is the epitome of the home landscape. But there are certain areas of the landscape that just don't do...

Plant Selections
Landscaping for Privacy: Living Fences Make Good Neighbors
One homeowner’s definition of privacy may be radically different than another’s — and they’re both accurate. How can this be true? Because like beauty, privacy is in the eye of the beholder. And if fences make...

Plant Selections
Let’s talk spring bulbs
This is the time of year we are putting our gardens to bed. But this is also the time to think about spring bulbs! They are super easy to plant and a great way to bring...

Plant Selections
Last day of summer and first day of fall is coming…
There is no time like the present to think about fall. That could mean pumpkin everything, corn mazes, apple picking, hay rides, cool nights and so on. But here it means fall annuals. Each and every...

Plant Selections
Shapes in the landscape
Have you ever seen a tree or shrub planted too close to a house or structure that it has to be pruned back so hard it loses its natural form? I have many times. All trees...

Plant Selections
Bringing nature’s beauty to the garden
Pollinators (butterflies, bees and birds) are very important to our environment. Without them many plants would not produce the end products we use. But they also bring a sense of calm and enjoyment to the garden. ...