A Seemingly Untouched Setting

The outcropping retaining wall and perennials appear centuries old.

Pavers Suit the Setting

Formal stone patios branch casually into the turf.

Stepping Up Formality

Sculptures and urns evoke a formal feel indoors.

Tumbled Paver Driveway in Lake Geneva Sets the Tone

Easy curves and dappled pavers feel relaxed.

A Spectacular Focal Point

Plantings and stone culminate in a pleasing bronze.

Defining a Friendly Space

Framing the boundaries make a space more intimate.

A Place to Decompress in Lake Forest

Students can relax in a carved-out a seating area.

Combining Stone in New Ways

Gravel, pavers and concrete work together artfully.

Smart and Attractive Pathways

Gravel allows rainwater to permeate into the soil.

Color, Height and Texture

Tall grasses attract attention from indoors and out.